France Abolishes Its High Command in Indochina

April 28, 1956

The French Expeditionary Force paraded in the streets of Saigon for the last time on April 10, 1956,
The French Expeditionary Force paraded in the streets of Saigon for the last time on April 10, 1956,
The French Expeditionary Force paraded in the streets of Saigon for the last time on April 10, 1956, in the company of their Vietnamese brothers. Here they are, marching side by side, shoulder arms, led by the flag.

France formally dissolves its high command in Indochina. The U.S. MAAG, which has already assumed control of training the South Vietnamese armed forces, takes full responsibility for stabilizing and protecting South Vietnam. A small contingent of French forces remains in Saigon until September.1