Use of the Commemoration Name and Images

The United States Congress provided the Secretary of Defense the sole and exclusive right to use the name “The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration” and such images incorporating this name. The Vietnam War Commemoration office manages the use of the Commemoration’s name and images on behalf of the Secretary of Defense.

General Guidelines

Commemorative Partners are granted limited rights to use some of the Commemoration’s images. 

Vietnam War Commemorative Partner Seal

For example, a Commemorative Partner may use the Commemorative Partner Seal to promote its event(s) to thank and honor veterans who served during the Vietnam War. However a Commemorative Partner may not use the Commemorative Partner Seal (or any other Commemoration image) where admission fees are charged, or for fundraising activities.

If you have a question about proper use of the Commemoration’s name or image, please contact us (link is external) with your question. Provide as many facts about the situation as possible, and we will respond to your question.

Media References

The media are encouraged to use the Commemoration’s full name (The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration) or other names reflective of the full name, such as the Vietnam War Commemoration. For media outlets reporting on the Commemoration or activities related to this national Commemoration, no license is required to cite the name of the Commemoration. Media outlets are also invited to view the Media Center to access fact sheets about the Vietnam War, the national Commemoration, and images for reporting.

Limited Use Licenses

The United States of American Vietnam War Commemoration welcomes and encourages organizations to find lasting ways to thank and honor veterans in their communities who served during the Vietnam War. Some organizations may wish to create plaques, monuments, memorials, or other items. If there is a desire to incorporate the name or images of the Commemoration, the Vietnam War Commemoration will work with a Commemorative Partner to provide a limited use license. The limited use license, if granted, gives official permission to use the name or image of the Commemoration. If interested to receive a limited use license, contact us (link is external) and describe the project that will use, and the name or image of the Commemoration.

Include as many details as possible. The Commemoration may need to ask follow-up questions to assess if a limited use license can be issued.

Licensing Images for Commercial Benefit

If a company is interested in licensing an image of the Commemoration, or has an idea for a new image, contact us to learn more about doing business with the Commemoration.

Questions on Use of the Name or Image

If an organization or individual desires to use the name or an image created by the Commemoration, they should contact the Commemoration office via e-mail (link sends e-mail) or through postal mail at:

DoD Vietnam War Commemoration Program Office
ATTN: Finance Officer
241 18th Street South, Suite 101
Arlington, VA 22202